The Information in this website is only for investors qualifying as wholesale clients under section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Core Private Pty Ltd is licensed to provide advice to wholesale clients only and will not provide advice or accept engagements with investors who do not qualify as wholesale clients. Prior to accepting an engagement with you we will need to satisfy ourselves that you meet the requirement under 761G of the Corporations Act.
Broadly speaking, to qualify as a certified wholesale client, you must either:
Have had a gross income of over $250,000 p/a in each of the previous two years, OR
Have net assets of at least $2.5 million, or
Are a ‘professional investor’ as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
Please note that Core retains the absolute discretion to refuse services from clients even in circumstances where they may qualify under one of the tests outlined in Section 761. This may be due to qualitative factors such as having unfamiliarity with financial concepts, inability to assess product offers and risks or lack of experience.
Additionally, Core will generally only accept engagements above the minimum regulatory hurdles for the assets test, in addition to the licensee being satisfied that the qualified Wholesale Client has sufficient assets to meet the assets test, without relying on the value of their principal residence.
If we determine you require retail financial services, we will either decline services or we will provide you with a referral to a licensed retail financial adviser.
For more information, please refer to Section 761G of the Corporations Act, which deals with the meaning of retail clients and wholesale clients.